Usui System of Reiki Healing in Manchester

Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful system of energy healing that treats the whole body - whole being. Reiki is a Japanese term for the vital life force that exists in all living things and is the name it`s founder Mikao Usui (1865-1926) gave to the system of energy healing. Reiki is a Japanese word that translates into English to mean REI = universal or spiritual consciousness and KI = life force energy. The spiritual consciousness or Divine consciousness is all knowing, it understands each person`s life force completely and the wellbeing issues that are affecting the body, mind and spirit.
How does Reiki Heal?
The universal life force flows through the body and surrounding aura via a network of meridians and chakras. These supply tissues and organs with life sustaining energy that supports their vital functions. Disruptions to the body`s flow of energy, reduce it`s ability to heal and function efficiently. Reiki heals by increasing the life force flowing through the entire body, including the affected parts. An increase of positive energy causes healing to take place on every level, balancing chakras, dissolving energy blockages, de-toxifies and facilitates deep relaxation and renewal.
What to Expect during a Reiki Session?
Upon arrival we will discuss your health, wellbeing and personal/spiritual goals, before making you feel comfortable and relaxed upon the therapy couch.
Reiki is given in a series of hand positions both on and off the body, starting at the crown and down the entire body to the feet. A strong sensation of heat and tingling is felt as healing and rebalancing occurs. At times a cold energy may be felt as blocked and stagnant energies are dissolved. Most people relax into a deeper state of conscious awareness. Reiki stands well as a holistic therapy, helping many people and animals restore their own body`s innate ability to selfheal. Reiki may be used in conjunction with other therapies, medical procedures and psychological treatments, significantly improving their effectiveness. For those who enjoy good health, it is used to de-stress and encourage personal growth and wellbeing on spiritual, emotional and mental levels.
On completion the recipient is guided back to every-day awareness, most people feel a deep sense of peace, revitalized, inspired and ready to engage in life. Others may experience up to 24 hours of exaggerated symptoms and then feel relief; this will be discussed with you as is appropriate on an individual level.
A full Reiki healing session lasts for 75 minutes, it is always appropriate to plan to take time out for at least one hour after energy healing to give the body time to integrate any possible energetic changes. The amount of Reiki sessions required is unique to each individual but for most people 1-6 sessions are more usual over a period of time that is optimal for you.
For those who feel drawn to becoming a Reiki healer I offer full training in the Usui System of Reiki Healing, as a medium for healing and a form of spiritual empowerment. As a teacher of Reiki, I am committed to keeping the highest standards in Reiki Training. Giving students all the tools and information needed to become competent and skilled Reiki healers. For more information, see the Reiki Course information page.
Jennifer is a full Teacher member of the UK Reiki Federation